To have best results, it is important to follow the regime properly and regularly.
Morning Routine: Have a relaxing massage with Massage Oil before your bath to help escalate skin absorption. Massage gently and thoroughly. Take soap bar & cut it into two-pieces for your convenience. Form a lather with water and apply generously on face & body for moisturization. Daily use recommended.
Evening Routine: Add 3 spoons of Soulflower Bath Salt to warm water & circulate well. Settle in and soak your body or feet into the warm water. After a relaxing bath, mix a few drops of any Soulflower carrier oil along with Essential oil and apply on hair & skin directly. Massage well for clear skin and hydrated scalp. Keep overnight for better results. Maximize the effect of the routine by placing the Potpourri in a bowl and let the sensual aroma naturally fill your surroundings to uplift emotions.